Thomas Martin

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As a freshman parks and recreation student at West Virginia University, Thomas Martin, now a senior, was first introduced to rock climbing at Coopers Rock State Forest.  He was part of a guided university group of students top roping at Roof Rocks and bouldering in the Tilted Tree Corridor. I was one of his guides.

“After this experience, I took to the rock climbing wall at WVU like a fat kid in a candy shop, climbing whenever possible!,” said Thomas, “I tried my hardest to GET STRONG, so I could send all of the hard bouldering and sport “test pieces” found in the region: Colorful Corner, Pockets of Resistance, Disturbance, and many others. A stout tick list that I felt was absolutely necessary for me at the time.”

As a member, and later president, of the WVU Rock Climbing Club, Thomas was introduced to various climbing areas in West Virginia and its surrounding areas.  He now spends much of his time traveling to the nearby New River Gorge and Seneca Rocks to climb longer routes.

“I have realized that my true passion is found within climbing anything and everything, easy and hard.” said Thomas. “My days found in the gym are spent setting, what I hope are thought provoking routes, and hunting through the woods to find adventurous cracks. My eyes are glued to guide books hoping to find the most perfect multi- pitch routes imaginable and the tick list just keeps on growing.”

Thomas no longer climbs at Coopers Rock on a regular basis, but recognizes it as a starting point for a passion that has turned into an obsession.


Posted: November 19, 2012

Author: Jonathan Vickers

Category: The Climbers


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