Bill Webster

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Bill Webster, 58 – Climber, Assistant Director of Parks & Recreation at Chapel Hill, NC

Favorite Climb at Cooper’s: Sunday Bulge

Bill Webster climbs for the fun, friendships, adventure and beauty of rock climbing. He first started climbing on Old Ladies Route at Seneca Rocks in West Virginia before spending much of his time at Cooper’s Rock.  From 1973 until 1980, Webster did many first ascents and worked on his book,  Gritstone Climbs, the second guidebook to include Cooper’s Rock, which was published in 1978.

Webster is still climbing and is an active part of the of the climbing community in Chapel Hill, North Carolina where he has served as a chair of the Carolina Climbers Coalition.  He continues to help with development by assisting rebolting efforts in the area. He is working on a new guidebook for central North Carolina.



Posted: February 21, 2012

Author: Jonathan Vickers

Category: The Climbers


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